These Puzzles Fund Abortion - Bonus Puzzle 9 - Peterson

We reached 260 donors! As of right now, we have raised $24,622 from 262 donors, which means we've unlocked the next incentive puzzle. Thank you to Eric Peterson for coming out of crossword-constructing-semi-retirement to contribute this aptly-themed puzzle as an incentive. It's been a blast to work with Eric on this one, and I'm really pleased with how this puzzle turned out.

The next incentive puzzle will drop at 300 donors or $27,500, whichever comes first. It'll be a *gorgeous* themeless puzzle from Chris Piuma, so be sure to tell your friends where they can get These Puzzles Fund Abortion and our bonus puzzles!

Notes from Eric: 

I was inspired to participate in this fundraiser after the Supreme Court recently declined to stop the Texas abortion ban from going into effect. I wanted to do more than make a donation, so I asked Rachel Fabi if I could contribute a puzzle as a fundraiser incentive, and she enthusiastically agreed.
As a male who has never been affected by the abortion issue in a direct or personal way, I found it challenging to sensitively approach the subject in puzzle form. For inspiration, I turned to public individuals who have been able to offer their own experience, strength, and hope, which led me to the quote in the clue for 46-Down, which ended up inspiring the puzzle's theme. It's been a long time since I've constructed a crossword, and I could not have filled the grid without the amazing spreadtheword(list) by Brooke Husic and Enrique Henestroza Anguiano. There are not enough words in that list to convey my gratitude to them both. Lastly, I'm grateful for Rachel's passion, vision, and creativity, both for kicking off this project as well as for providing the editorial guidance I needed to make this puzzle into something I hope you all find enjoyable.


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